Sewing · Victorian

Progress on Mum’s 1890’s Plum Outfit Part II

You will recall from my first post about Mum’s outfit that I wasn’t entirely happy with the sleeves and their complete lack of puff. I said that I would replace them if I had the time. I didn’t have the time, but they bugged me enough that I ended up making new sleeves anyway.

Here is Mum’s updated shirtwaist.

Now with a little bit of puff!

And a side by side comparison.

Another project that I worked on was a cape. One, because they’re fun, and two, because Mum feels the cold and I didn’t want her to be without an option if the weather in Oamaru isn’t summer-y and warm.

Mum’s cape with revers and beading

After the time spent working on my cape, I swore that I wasn’t going to be doing any more beading. Ha, famous last words? I ended up creating a design for the cape revers (which, incidentally, are made from the same aubergine taffeta as my outfit) and stitched on some beads that were the perfect colour but also teeny tiny.


Not that I photographed it, but I also made Mum a corset cover and you can see that it makes the shirtwaist appear more opaque than it looked previously.

The shirtwaist with chemise and corset cover underneath

Her hat is coming along nicely and will soon be finished and I will be trimming it once I arrive at my parents’ to save it from potential damage during transit. Her corset mockup is complete and waiting to be properly fitted once I arrive. I’ll then have a couple of days to make the actual corset up before heading to Oamaru.

Almost completely finished!

Now… back to sewing my little heart out before I run out of time… cappuccino with an extra shot (or…five?) thanks!

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